
Posts Tagged ‘John McCain’

Well, what about that “Joe Arpaio” feller? His name sure don’t sound like a real American. I’m guessin’ he’s one a them Eyetalian guys, or maybe even an Injun. How’d he get in? Oughta round up that som’bitch and check out his ID, that’s what we should do. And that McCain feller? Hell, he was born in Panama! He’s just fakin’ it. Oughta round up his sorry ass as well. Damn furriners screwin’ up my country. Let’s take it back for the real Americans – the Smiths and Jones and Robinsons and Wilsons and such (as long as they ain’t BLACKsmiths, if you get my drift..).

Yeah, good ol’ Arizona leads the way backwards, and we gotta follow.

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Sarah Palin picked November 17 – my birthday – for the release of “her” book on whatever it is that Sarah is about. I’ve written a

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Republicans are hopelessly trapped in their own toxic rhetoric; epithets such as “Tax-and-Spend” have become deeply embedded in the GOP script to disparage Democrats. Now that the President’s economic stimulus SPENDING bill has been put before Congress, one that every sentient economist on the planet has advocated as necessary and urgent, Republicans cannot bring themselves to acknowledge that their core ideology is bankrupt. We cannot afford to wait for them to come around to this recognition. Obama has given them more than enough courtesy; time now to roll over the pinch-minded obstructionists who are largely responsible for creating the mess we are in, and start fixing it.

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Leona Helmsley, the Queen of Mean, once famously quipped that “only the little people pay taxes”. Tom Daschle, Nancy Killefer and Timothy Geithner clearly subscribe to this view, as have many of their forebears on both the Democratic and Republican side of the aisle (Sarah Palin, John McCain, and some not-so-prominent Republicans like Joe the Plumber). While these are truly boneheaded mistakes by the Obama administration (and so admitted by the President), they pale in comparison to the 8-year record of catastrophic mistakes by the Bush Administration that have: cost the lives of nearly 5000 American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens, destroyed America’s image in the world, bankrupted what used to be the beacon of economic prosperity, etc., etc..

Let’s all keep Obama’s “screw-ups” in perspective.

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Kenneth Duberstein, former Chief of Staff for Ronald Reagan, endorsed Barack Obama today. A major factor in his decision was the obviously ill-considered selection of Sarah Palin as McCain’s running mate. Duberstein put it most succinctly:

“What most Americans, I think, realize, is that you don’t offer a job, let alone the vice presidency, to a person after one job interview. Even at McDonald’s, you’re interviewed three times before you’re given a job.”

No doubt Ms. Palin would create record-breaking lines at the Anchorage McDonald’s when she returns to Alaska as a burger-flipper. Good for Alaska, good for McDonald’s, and good for America when that happens on Nov. 5.

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As McCain, Palin and their sycophantic supporters toss the “socialism” epithet at the Obama campaign, herewith the plain truth about real socialism, Republican-style:

In Alaska, residents pay no income tax or state sales tax. They receive a yearly dividend check from a $30 billion state investment account built largely from royalties on its oil. When home fuel and gas costs soared this year, Palin raised taxes on big oil and used some of the money to boost residents’ checks by $1,200. Thus every eligible man, woman and child got a record $3,269 this fall.

She also suspended the 8-cent tax on gas.

“We can afford to share resource wealth with Alaskans and to temporarily suspend the state fuel tax,” she said at the time.

Much as Obama explains his tax hike on the rich as a way to help people who are struggling, Palin’s statement talked about the energy costs burdening Alaskans:

“While the unique fiscal circumstances the state finds itself in at the end of this fiscal year warrant a special one-time payment to share some of the state’s wealth, the payment comes at a time when Alaskans are facing rising energy prices. High prices for oil are a double-edged sword for Alaskans. While public coffers fill, prices for heating fuel and gasoline have skyrocketed over the last six months and are now running into the $5- to $9-a-gallon range for heating fuel and gasoline across several areas of the state.”

In an interview with The New Yorker last summer Palin explained that she would make demands of a new gas pipeline “to maximize benefits for Alaskans”:

“And Alaska we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans
own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs.”

Hypocrisy, thy name is GOP.

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The McCain campaign’s “attack theme du jour” – that an Obama administration would impose a socialist wealth-sharing regime – will, like all of the other attack themes they have tried, come back to bite the Republican candidates.  After 8 years of a Republican administration that has shoveled enormous tax benefits into the maw of the richest 1% of American citizens, the rest of us – perhaps several hundreds of millions of us – would not mind having some of those goodies FINALLY trickle down to middle and lower income folks.  Not a bad idea to “share the wealth” that has become obscenely concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.  And let us not forget, it was a Republican – Teddy Roosevelt – who had the wisdom to assert that a progressive wealth/income tax structure was the foundation of a fair society.  That Teddy sure was some socialist, by the standards of the candidate (McCain) who claims him as his role model!  And Colin Powell’s recent observations on the topic are worth quoting here:

Now I guess the message this week is we’re going to call him a socialist. Mr. Obama is now a socialist, because he dares to suggest that maybe we ought to look at the tax structure that we have. Taxes are always a redistribution of money. Most of the taxes that are redistributed go back to those who pay them, in roads and airports and hospitals and schools. And taxes are necessary for the common good. And there’s nothing wrong with examining what our tax structure is or who should be paying more or who should be paying less, and for us to say that makes you a socialist is an unfortunate characterization that I don’t think is accurate.”

And what about that other “wealth-sharing”, socialist tax scheme – the Earned Income Tax Credit – that was born in the Ford Administration, and dramatically expanded under, guess who: Ronald Reagan!!

 Is it too much to ask that the brainiacs in the McCain campaign do just a few minutes of homework on such topics before they craft yet another fatally flawed attack strategy? Truly a bunch of amateurs.


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Is John McCain a fascist? Is he a reckless warmonger? Is he a “Manchurian Candidate” brainwashed by his former North Vietnamese captors, and programmed to “explode” once in the White House? Is he a closet white-supremacist? Well, none of the above (as far as I know). And yet, taking a page from the seamy RNC campaign book, one could craft a veritable tsunami of leaflets asserting each of these outrageous “facts” about McCain, to be distributed to gullible voters in battleground states. One could do so, if one had sunk to the abysmal depths of dishonor that the McCain campaign has plumbed. Fortunately, Barack Obama has not succumbed to the tit-for-tat game of slimy innuendo politics, and the poll results show clearly that the high road has been the better strategy in this campaign. McCain has foolishly squandered his reputation, and almost certainly cost himself the election. May he contemplate his mistake at leisure in the oblivion of the Arizona desert.

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Seems the GOP decided to take a page out of Paris Hilton’s style book in dressing up Caribou Barbie for the campaign trail. Spreading the wealth, indeed. Note from Sarah to Joe the Plumber, who outfits his wife for $500 a year at WalMart: “Let them eat cake”.

Just another sorry example of the fraud who would be Vice President.

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While Sarah Palin repeatedly mocks a casual comment by Barack Obama that paying taxes is patriotic, Joe the Plumber’s exposure as a tax delinquent reveals the conservative Republican view on the subject: cheating on taxes is patriotic. Joe has good company in John McCain (unpaid property taxes and highly likely underpaid taxes on gambling income), Sarah Palin (several tens of thousands of dollars of undeclared per-diem reimbursements for her family, and thus underpaid income taxes), and Sen. Ted Stevens (as much as $250,000 in unreported “gifts” in the form of un-billed home repairs). Just what this country needs with a stupefyingly high deficit and an economy in the tank: patriotic Republicans short-changing their government.

Way to go, Joe!

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